Regulation and Taxation

Regulation and Taxation

Why price controls will not solve inflation

Before the government interfered, milk was already expensive, but people could buy it. Now there is only an insufficient amount of milk available. Therefore, total milk consumption falls. The next measure the government can resort to is rationing, but this only means that certain people get milk while other people get no milk at all. These were the exact words of Ludwig von Mises in his 1959 book Economic Policy .

Feb 27, 2023
Why We Did NOT Take Bailout Money

I have been asked, as CEO of The Atlas Society: Why did The Atlas Society not take bailout money from the federal government?

Jun 3, 2020
Jennifer A. Grossman
2 Mins
Video to Rectify Minimal Understanding of Minimum Wage

Quick quiz: If you jack up the price of something, do you think people will buy more or less of it? Apparently, the obvious answer “Less!”..

Jul 26, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Grover Norquist

I run American for Tax Reform, the group that shares the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with all candidates. We ask them to commit in writing

Jul 14, 2016
3 Mins
The incredible story of 'depletable' minerals

Energy is central to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand also chronicled how the 1970s energy crisis was at root philosophical: altruism-collectivism

Jun 6, 2016
2 Mins
Two Proposals to Stop the Government Looting

First, move Tax Day from April 15 to November 1 so it will never be more than a week from a national election.Have you ever noticed how Tax

Apr 18, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
On Tax Day, What if Atlas Shrugged?

On Tax Day in the United States, productive individuals are punished for being productive, even as their tormentors demand that they produce

Apr 15, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Regulators Drive Away Hyperloop Transport at Hyperspeed

In 2013, uber-entrepreneur Elon Musk open sourced his idea for a Hyperloop transportation system that could cut a six hour car or train trip

Apr 6, 2016
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Pope Francis vs. the Cure of Reason

A young girl was recently interviewed on TV about her encounter with Pope Francis on his visit to the United States. She cried with joy as

Sep 25, 2015
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Hobby Lobby: Corporations' Rights Protect Individuals' Rights

Pursuing a profit does not mean giving up your other values, not even if you do it by means of a corporation. That’s the most important meaning of today’s Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby.

Jul 1, 2014
2 Mins
Take-Aways from When FDA Tried to Take Away Your Cheese

The FDA recently said it was illegal to age cheese on wooden boards; in the face of an outcry, it retreated...

Jun 11, 2014
3 Mins
The Buckyballs Settlement: A Loss All Around?

Craig Zucker, the Buckyballs CEO who fought back irreverently when the Consumer Product Safety Commission went after his product, has

May 23, 2014
It Makes Guns Louder, but ATF Says It's a Silencer

The ATF is being sued for a decision only slightly more reasonable. Gun maker Sig Sauer created a product called a “muzzle brake,” which

Apr 25, 2014
2 Mins
Suing Disney over Wait Times Takes Time. Why Is That Legal?

If the lawsuit over keeping disabled people waiting at Disney theme parks has merit, it should have been won already. The courts have kept

Apr 18, 2014
3 Mins
Is Taxation Slavery? Reflections on Passover and Tax Time

Passover—the only Jewish holiday I’ve honored throughout my decades as an atheist —celebrates the mythic liberation of my ancestors from....

Apr 14, 2014
Alexander R. Cohen
2 Mins
Stopping Business and Due Process

Imagine if when prosecutors accused a person of a capital crime, the government stopped his heart and said: We’ll let your friends try CPR

Mar 28, 2014
2 Mins
Did You Get Dirty Money Too? The Ebooks Antitrust Settlement

I got money this morning. It was sickening. And you may have gotten money from the same toxic source.....

Mar 25, 2014
3 Mins
Medallion Cabs Sue to Exclude

Some people hate freedom so much, they’ll sue to get rid of it. Other people’s freedom, at least. Such is the case in Chicago, where owners

Feb 21, 2014
2 Mins
The Meaning of the IRS's Loss

A little more than a year ago, this blog noted that the Institute for Justice had won a victory over the Internal Revenue Service . The...

Feb 14, 2014
3 Mins
The FTC's War On LabMD And Business Rights

LabMD, a business that provides cancer-screening services for physicians, has stopped testing specimens and is winding down operations .....

Feb 3, 2014
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins

We promote open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom.