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Work and Achievement: newly digitized work

Work and Achievement: newly digitized work

September 1, 2015

Achievement through productive work is not only an economic necessity for most people. It is also a primary moral value. It brings out the best within us: rationality, initiative, integrity, and pride. These newly republished articles explore the nature and importance of achievement.

The Best Within Us (1993)  - David Kelley

In this reflection on productive work as a central value, philosopher David Kelley discusses the relationship of achievement to other global values in life.

"The Rebellion Against Paternalism": The Employee as Entrepreneur  (1996)  - Walter Donway

In Charles Heckscher's pioneering analysis of business restructuring and the decline of lifelong security within a corporation, Walter Donway finds the seeds of business ethics on an Objectivist basis.

Also recommended:

Life: Your Adventure in Entrepreneurship - David Kelley

Choosing our goals and pursuing them independently, with pride of ownership in ourselves and reliance on reason—these entrepreneurial virtues apply at any time but are especially important today.

Objectivist Ethics in an Information Age Economy - Nathaniel Branden

Welcome to the mind millennium and an explosion in entrepreneurship.

About the author:
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