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Talk to Rand Paul, online

Talk to Rand Paul, online

2 Mins
September 15, 2015

rand paul 2016 objectivism

He's been called a radical, an extremist, a Libertarian, a Republican, a Democrat, a Conservative, and a Liberal.

So what does the Senator have to say about it? We'll find out when Doctor Paul visits us in Galt's Gulch Online next week to take your questions head on.

The senator from Kentucky will be landing in Galt's Gulch Online the week of September 21st for an exclusive AMA ("Ask me Anything") - that's the week immediately following the second Presidential debate on September 16th.

Hang out with Senator Paul in the Gulch as he fields your questions and talks about his run for the presidency.

WHEN: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 @ 4PM ET

BONUS: Join us for a special edition of GULCH LIVE at 4:30PM ET for exclusive live commentary from the Atlas Society's David Kelly, Aaron Day, Will Thomas, and Ed Hudgins.


AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything." On the day of the AMA, we'll put up a new "AMA" post announcement. You'll then have the opportunity to ask the AMA guest questions in the form of comments on that post. Other Gulch members will vote on those questions. The most popular questions will rise to the top. The scheduled guest will then review and answer questions by responding directly to those comments.

Past AMAs
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Atlas Shrugged Producer Harmon Kaslow


The day of the actual event ( September 22nd, 2015 ), go to http://galtsgulchonline.com/RandPaulAMA and your browser will be automatically redirected to the official AMA post where you'll be able to post questions and interact with the senator. Rand Paul will be here at around 4PM ET. The Gulch post will be up early to give everyone an opportunity to get there questions posted and to vote on the best ones.


Galt's Gulch Online, FreedomWorks, and the Atlas Society, are joining forces to bring to the Gulch some incredible guests straight from Capitol Hill. Over the course of the 2016 presidential race, the Gulch will be hosting exclusive "AMA" events with Senators, Congressmen, Presidential candidates, and more.

About FreedomWorks ( http://www.freedomworks.org )
6 million members strong, FreedomWorks is passionate about promoting free markets and individual liberty. FreedomWorks members all share three common traits: a desire for less government, lower taxes, and more economic freedom.

About the Atlas Society ( http://www.atlassociety.org )
Atlas Society scholars work to to present the empowering principles of Objectivism to a global audience, and offer those principles as a rational and moral alternative in the marketplace of philosophical ideas.

About the author:
Elections and Democracy