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Recent public appearances by Ed Hudgins

Recent public appearances by Ed Hudgins

March 28, 2012

March 28, 2012 -- The Atlas Society's Ed Hudgins, who serves as director of advocacy, has made seve

ral recent public appearances speaking on Objectivist principles and how they apply to current affairs.

On March 27 Ed spoke at the Virginia 99th Tea Party. The topic: “Has Atlas Shrugged?” The talk was held at  7:00pm at the Upper Lancaster Fire Department, 5170 Mary Ball Rd. (Route 3), Lively, Virginia, located about 40 miles west of Richmond and 25 miles north of Hudgins (not a typo), Virginia.

On March 19 Ed guest lectured in a government class at Georgetown University. He offered students an overview of government regulations, showing how they can limit individual liberty and harm public health and safety, even leading to thousands of deaths of those the regulations are meant to help.

On February 19 Ed spoke at the International Students for Liberty Conference, held at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. He spoke on “Fighting for Freedom with the Atlas Shrugged Philosophy,” offering his young audience practical applications of Objectivism.

On February 11 Ed spoke to the James Madison Tea Party group near Orange, Virginia and Montpelier, the home of the principal author of the U.S. Constitution. In his talk on "Atlas Shrugged and the Moral Defense of Capitalism" he argued that Americans have lost freedom to repressive government because of moral mistakes that many make.

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