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News: New webinars on politics broadcast

News: New webinars on politics broadcast

January 11, 2012

December 19, 2011 -- With the 2012 elections nearing, The Atlas Society is continuing to publish content designed to reveal the ideological clockwork behind movements and events shaping poltiics and culture. During this past week TAS published two new interactive webinars on key political movements.

On December 19, Will Thomas presented an interactive webinar on "Progressives: Are They Really for Progress?" Today the term “Progressive” is represented by the Occupy Wall Street/occupy anywhere movement and by the left wing of the Democratic Party. On December 19th, in this interactive webinar, William R Thomas examined the history and values of the Progressive movement.  He explored what “progress” means and how the idea of progress relates to the secular, statist, environmentalist, egalitarian, and pro-happiness aspects of today's Progressivism. Click here to view "Progressives: Are They Really for Progress?"

On December 12, The Atlas Society presented an interactive webinar on conservatism and elections. Conservatives for decades have dominated the Republican Party. Yet American political conservatism has consisted of an uneasy and often conflicting coalition concerned with economic, social, and foreign policy. This reflects internal problems within the conservative philosophy itself. Ed Hudgins gave an overview of the evolution and tenets of conservatism. He also discussed the political and social challenges that it has sought to address and the state of conservatism today in light of the upcoming 2012 elections. Click here to view Conservatism and Elections: Untangling the Philosophy.> back to Atlas Society News


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