Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke Richard Salsman, Ph.D., on Thursday, March 21, @ 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET for a Twitter/X Spaces discussion on the failure of “conservatism” as an ideological identity and why its supporters should adopt rigid, and absolute identity based on the principles that promote and sustain reason, liberty, and capitalism. Those interested can listen HERE.
"Unlike liberals, Democrats, libertarians, Republicans, and Objectivists, conservatives have no distinct name brand to suggest what they actually stand for and would fight for, other than what rivals have instituted in the past. Conservatives can’t gain ground morally or politically because they’re always on their heels, reacting, helping their foes consolidate their gains. Conservatives should cease being so ideologically promiscuous, pick a lane (actual brand name), and adopt the absolutist, rock-ribbed principles which promote and sustain reason, liberty, and capitalism."