Movies And TV

Movies And TV

Will Atlas Shrugged Elect the President?

Atlas Shrugged Part 2 , now in theaters, could be more than just exciting fall film fare. This is the latest installment of the trilogy of

Oct 25, 2012
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
You've Got to be Carefully Taught

Everyone who has seen South Pacific will remember Oscar Hammerstein II’s lyrics about the prejudice that Lieutenant Cable knows will keep hi

Dec 5, 2011
3 Mins
Filmmakers Imagine Finance

Margin Call is the best film to come out of the recent financial crisis. This is no polemic masquerading as a “documentary” (Inside Job) or

Nov 14, 2011
Larry E. Ribstein
4 Mins
Is Michael Moore a Jesus Freak?

It’s no secret that Michael Moore hates economic liberty; the theme of his movie Capitalism: A Love Story is that the free market is evil...

Jun 10, 2011
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Avatar's Savage Message

James Cameron’s new film Avatar is loaded with fresh, eye-popping special effects, all in a new, cutting-edge 3-D that sets the standard....

Jun 9, 2011
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
Why Would Anyone Trust Michael Moore?

October 14, 2009—Is it just a coincidence that celebrity documentarian Michael Moore’s latest film, Capitalism: A Love Story, hit theaters

Jun 1, 2011
Bradley Doucet
6 Mins
Where Is Today's Mrs. Miniver?

Winter 2005 -- If you’ve never seen Mrs. Miniver—the award-winning 1942 film about a middle-class British family courageously facing their

Mar 31, 2011
Michelle Marder Kamhi
4 Mins
Sidebar: The Cast of Mad Hot Ballroom

Class teacher Allison Sheniak is a loving, caring teacher who has a way of making you "feel her pain."

Mar 30, 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
Film Review: Mad Hot Ballroom

Mad Hot Ballroom. Director, Marilyn Agrelo; writer, Amy Sewell; director of photography, Claudia Raschke-Robinson; editor, Sabine Krayenbuhl

Mar 30, 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
6 Mins
TV Review: Monk

New episodes of the hit detective program Monk, starring Tony Shalhoub, air on the USA Network on Fridays

Mar 30, 2011
Robert L. Jones
6 Mins
Film Review: The World's Fastest Indian

In this independently released sleeper, consummate actor’s actor Anthony Hopkins brings a deceptively diminutive, real-life hero—legendary

Mar 29, 2011
Robert L. Jones
4 Mins
Film Review: Just Say "Maybe" to This Trip

November 2006 -- A Scanner Darkly. Starring Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson, Rory Cochrane, Winona Ryder. Based on the nove

Mar 29, 2011
Robert L. Jones
4 Mins
B-Movie Individualism

March 2006 -- “I’m going to kill you. It will make the world a better place.” “I appreciate your attempt at altruism, but it wouldn’t make

Mar 29, 2011
Stephen Green
6 Mins
Film Review: United, They Fought Back

Everybody remembers exactly where he was on September 11, 2001. I was taking a photojournalism course at the Defense Information School at

Mar 29, 2011
Robert L. Jones
6 Mins
Tracey Ross: TV

How many Objectivists are there among television actresses? Well, there is one for sure: Tracey Ross of NBC’s popular soap opera “Passions.

Mar 29, 2011
John Berlau
7 Mins
Film Review: Cuba Libre

In his feature-film directorial debut, Andy Garcia uses the screen as his canvas to paint a vibrant and wistful picture of a Havana he never

Mar 28, 2011
Robert L. Jones
4 Mins
Film Review: The Page Turner

Thanks to the people of France—who, by electing Nicholas Sarkozy as their president, have finally come to their senses and reversed the

Mar 25, 2011
Robert L. Jones
4 Mins
Film Review: An Untarnished Man of Steel

After a nearly two-decades-long absence, the Man of Steel returns to the big screen in this superb fifth installment in the Superman series

Mar 25, 2011
Robert L. Jones and Marimer Navarrete
6 Mins
Film Review: V for Vapid

April 2006 -- V for Vendetta. Starring Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry, and John Hurt. Screenplay by Andy Wachowski

Mar 25, 2011
Robert L. Jones
4 Mins
When Public Broadcasting Promoted Capitalism

No economist in the twentieth century was more popular and more closely identified with free markets than Milton Friedman (1912-2006)...

Mar 24, 2011
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins

We promote open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom.