Ciência e Tecnologia

Ciência e Tecnologia

The Cult of Oblivion: CIA, Abstract Expressionists, and Kant

From the cave paintings of the Horses’ Heads to figurative art today, visual art is about perception and subject. We artists, and our anien

Dec 9, 2019
Michael Newberry
7 Mins
Public Opposition to Biotech Endangers Your Life and Health

Do you want to be smarter, healthier, and live longer? Remarkably, a new Pew survey found that most Americans answer “No!” if it requires...

Jul 28, 2016
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Jay Friedenberg

I am a professor of psychology at Manhattan College. I recently finished serving as chairperson for the department for a 10-year period and

Jun 17, 2016
3 Mins
The incredible story of 'depletable' minerals

Energy is central to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand also chronicled how the 1970s energy crisis was at root philosophical: altruism-collectivism

Jun 6, 2016
2 Mins
On Viewing Forbidden Planet on Its 60th Anniversary

Science fiction reflects our hopes and fears for the future and, at its best, it offers an elixir of inspiration. On viewing the 1956 film F

Jun 2, 2016
Edward Hudgins
7 Mins
“Man In the Place of the Gods: What Cities Mean.”

It’s hard to say, because the book is so interdisciplinary. The short answer is: Ayn Rand and cities. iUniverse, the publisher, requires au

May 24, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Which Culture Can Make 120 Years Old the Prime of Life?

Emma Morano, age 116, is the last person alive born in the nineteenth century. New cutting-edge technologies could mean that more than a few

May 18, 2016
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
Epilepsy and Consciousness

When I was 21 years old I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Though the news was upsetting, I was relieved it wasn’t a brain tumor. But as I

May 9, 2016
Talia G. Hudgins
4 Mins
Dishonest Attacks on Genetically Modified Organisms

For those who take their health seriously, it’s always a challenge to determine which claims are true and which are fiction. This task is

Apr 16, 2016
Kevin Schooler
4 Mins
Can Toyota and Reason Overcome Blindness?

If you’ve shut your eyes at the ugly spectacle of political and cultural decline around you, look in the right direction and you’ll see what

Apr 12, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Yuri’s Night Out: Celebrating 55 Years of Humans in Space

Space enthusiasts mark April 12th as “Yuri’s Night Out,” a celebration of the first human in space: Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in 1961..

Apr 11, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Regulators Drive Away Hyperloop Transport at Hyperspeed

In 2013, uber-entrepreneur Elon Musk open sourced his idea for a Hyperloop transportation system that could cut a six hour car or train trip

Apr 6, 2016
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Celebrating Andy Grove of Intel

Andy Grove was one of the founders of Intel, the company that invented the microprocessor—the "computer-on-a-chip" that runs most of the

Mar 30, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Happy Future Day!

Transhumanism Australia, a non-profit that promotes education in science and technology, has marked March 1 as “Future Day.” It wants this..

Mar 1, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
SpaceX Sticks the Landing

SpaceX, the rocketry startup founded by Elon Musk, succeeded on December 21, 2015 in bringing the first stage of its Falcon 9 rocket back

Dec 22, 2015
3 Mins
Will Banning Genetic Engineering Kill You?

Genetic engineering is on an exponential growth path. In 2001 the cost of sequencing a human-sized genome was about $100 million. By 2007...

Dec 3, 2015
Edward Hudgins
7 Mins
On Viewing 2001: The First Transhumanist Film

A Space Odyssey again on the big screen. That’s the best way to see this visually stunning cinematic poem, like I saw it during its...

Nov 20, 2015
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Steve Jobs (movie review

If you’re a fan of Steve Jobs, the Apple co-founder and digital age revolutionary, you might find Steve Jobs the movie a bit hard to take...

Oct 22, 2015
Edward Hudgins
7 Mins
The Robots of Labor Day

Robots are special types of machines. They’re programmed electro-mechanical devices that perform various physical functions, ideally better

Sep 2, 2015
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Four Facts for Human Achievement Day

July 20 is the anniversary of one of humanity’s greatest accomplishments, the first lunar landing...

Jul 20, 2015
5 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.