The Atlas Society Asks Eric Kaufmann Transcript
What’s behind the rise of right-wing populist movements in Western democracies? In his book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities, Eric Kaufmann makes the case that unease with increased immigration rates, and stigmatization of those wanting slower rates are among the forces fueling phenomena ranging from Brexit to Trump’s unexpected 2016 win. A Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London and an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute, Kaufmann has authored, co-authored, and edited nine books, including The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America. In this wide-ranging interview with CEO Jennifer Anju Grossman (JAG), Kaufmann explores how “the progressive storyline for white majorities is a morality tale celebrating their demise,” and how the indignant resistance to that celebration is helping shape current political trends.

Dec 26, 2023