Élections et démocratie

Élections et démocratie

Antonella Marty: "For populists, their enemies are businessmen and the media"

Argentinian Antonella Marty is a recognized liberal intellectual, lecturer, political scientist and internationalist. "The facts show that where there is greater economic freedom there are better wages and a better quality of life," she stressed in her contact with Dinero. She was in Santa Cruz to present her book 'Capitalism: An antidote against poverty'.

Sep 27, 2022
The Classic Path to the Inevitable Result: Venezuela Succumbs to Dictatorship

This week, the opposition forces in Venezuela are still in the streets, struggling with government forces, to protest last week’s lurch of..

Apr 10, 2017
Walter Donway
7 Mins
Watergate Reruns: The Campaign to Overturn the Election

What I call the “Not Our President Elite” (NOPE) believes that a frighteningly ignorant, bigoted, and distinctly inferior America—not the...

Feb 16, 2017
Walter Donway
7 Mins
Isn’t $1.9 Trillion A Year Lost to Federal Regulations Enough?

If and when Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump finish sparring over personal health, illicit emails, and Vladimir Putin’s qualities as a...

Oct 2, 2016
6 Mins
Are Pre-School Grad Celebrations Going Too Far?

When I was a kid, celebrations of birthdays and other personal milestones were modest. Family, a few friends, a few gifts, fun. But now I

Jun 13, 2016
Edouard Hudgins
5 Mins
A Tale of Two Sanders

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of individualism, it was the age of collectivism. It was the epoch of pe

Apr 13, 2016
Kévin Schooler
3 Mins
Krugman gets Rand Right

Let’s hear it for Paul Krugman! He got Ayn Rand’s views right for once.

Mar 24, 2016
2 Mins
Is America Socialist?

Social Security is a socialist program. But being forced to use a socialist program doesn’t make one a socialist. A socialist, after all...

Mar 17, 2016
William Thomas
3 mins
How to Counter Socialists about Social Security

Five years ago at the hospital, the joy of holding my newborn daughters in my arms was momentarily disrupted when I was asked to free up a..

Mar 16, 2016
Edouard Hudgins
4 Mins
The Supreme Court, Scalia, and Restoring the Constitution

The passing of this conservative Supreme Court Justice has set off a political firestorm in a year already burning with conflict. GOP...

Feb 15, 2016
Edouard Hudgins
6 Mins
Bernie Sanders and "selfishness"

Ed Hudgins weighs in on some of Bernie Sander's stances. "Bernie Sanders is on a jihad against 'extremely greedy and selfish financiers'"...

Feb 10, 2016
Edouard Hudgins
2 Mins
The First 2015 Democrat Debate: Ignorance Wins

The audience for the first Democratic presidential primary debate was not just the party faithful. It was the low-information voters. And...

Oct 15, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
6 Mins
Civil War within the GOP

In New Hampshire—the primo primary state!—the Republican Liberty Caucus’s annual conference is a battlefield in the civil war within the GOP

Oct 6, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
5 Mins
GOP 2015 Second Debate Rundown

The second GOP presidential debates (held September 16, 2015) were grueling affairs: four candidates for nearly two hours and eleven others

Sep 17, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
7 Mins
Talk to Rand Paul, online

Join us for a special edition of GULCH LIVE at 4:30PM ET for exclusive live commentary from the Atlas Society's David Kelly, Aaron Day, Will

Sep 15, 2015
2 Mins
Donald Trump: A Know-Nothing for the 21st Century

Donald Trump has jumped into the race for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination with a splash. His current front-runner status...

Aug 31, 2015
3 Mins
Democrats Stand for Socialism

Over the last week, this issue was brought into focus by two interviews given by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-Fla), who chairs the

Aug 11, 2015
4 Mins
GOP Undercard Debate: Fiorina vs. Santorum

If the winner of the kiddie-table GOP debate were rewarded a seat at the adult table, Carly Fiorina would be feasting on hot turkey with...

Aug 7, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
6 Mins
Bernie Sanders, Socialism, and the GOP

It’s more than ironic that as socialist economies, led by Greece, collapse, Democrats in America are infatuated by Vermont Sen. Bernie...

Jul 19, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
6 Mins
What America Will We Give to the Future?

Our country was established in 1776 on the premise that we all are endowed “with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life...

Jun 30, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
5 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.