Romanchuk has been involved with The Atlas Society since the 1990s. He spoke with me from his home in Minsk via Zoom.

Romanchuk has been involved with The Atlas Society since the 1990s. He spoke with me from his home in Minsk via Zoom.
I started in accounting at the age of six. My father saw me doing arithmetic homework and said, “Why do you need to solve made up problems?” So he gave me his business ledgers and had me add up the columns.
Editor’s Note: Members and friends of The Atlas Society provide us with a wealth of wisdom. Atlas Society supporter Jennifer Bukowsky is an
We all love to announce publicly our most glorious moments and accomplishments. However, a life best lived is a hero’s journey, a journey
Myths, legends, and stories infiltrate our collective and individual consciousness, and the same holds true for the visual arts. The myth of Icarus, who flew too high then crashed and burned, was mentioned by Apollodorus around 150 BC and has since shown up countless times in visual art.
Thank you so very much for inviting me. I know the relationship between Objectivists and Libertarians hasn’t always been smooth. Ayn Rand famously called libertarians “the hippies of the right.”
Thank you so much, Stuart and Elise, and yes, a special, special thank you to Elise. I empathize with what it’s like to be a part of an
From the cave paintings of the Horses’ Heads to figurative art today, visual art is about perception and subject. We artists, and our anien
“’The king died, and then the queen died,’ is a [chronicle] story, while ‘The king died, and then the queen died of grief,’ is a plot.”...
As Dreiser depicts them, Clyde Griffiths and Roberta Alden are not lovers so much as they are victims. Biology and society conspire against
Dreiser’s Hortense Briggs and Rand’s Rita Eksler are both femmes fatales, but whereas Dreiser seethes with resentment that such a girl exist
Decades ago at 2:30 a.m. on a back street in La Jolla, I was arrested driving my mom’s ’68 Firebird 400 convertible. I had our tiny mutts
It is rare in our contemporary postmodern culture that its representatives get a smack down. But that is what happened with the Tyler Shield
One of the more poetic events in The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand is when the protagonist, Howard Roark comes to watch Dominique posing naked fo
Over three decades ago, in 1982, I booked a private telephone consultation with an Objectivist philosopher (associated now with the Ayn Rand
There was a time, when Ayn Rand’s new essays came out monthly and, as often as not, mentioned or enthusiastically recommended some writer
At this time I was working summers to pay for my art education, and I had painted a large still life, and I still remember how proud I was
While friends and family often compliment my artwork by commenting on my natural talent, people in the artistic community generally avoid th
I'm an IT consultant, playwright, and poet. In 2015, my comedy, "O'Brien & O'Brian", was part of the New York International...
I grew up on the beach and have been an artist ever since. I’m a figurative artist and my work explores light, love, and appreciation...