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Sidney Powell on "The Real Legacy of the Enron Task Force"

Sidney Powell on "The Real Legacy of the Enron Task Force"

2 Mins
September 12, 2014

Atlas Summit 2014 -- Texas "superlawyer" Sidney Powell describes how a handful of corrupt federal prosecutors destroyed Arthur Andersen; assaulted Wall Street; sent innocent Merrill executives to prison; changed the balance of power in the US Senate; facilitated the enactment of Obamacare; and became assistant attorneys general for the criminal division of the Department of Justice, chief White House counsel, and general counsel for the FBI.

Sidney Powell is the author of Licensed to Lie, the true story of the strong-arm, illegal, and unethical tactics used by headline-grabbing federal prosecutors in their narcissistic pursuit of power. Ms. Powell served in the Department of Justice for ten years in Texas and Virginia and has devoted her private practice to federal appeals for the past twenty years. She was the youngest Assistant United States Attorney in the country and the youngest elected Fellow of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, for which she also served as president. Recognized by her peers as a "Super Lawyer" and named as one of the "Best Lawyers in America" for years, she has been lead counsel in more than 500 appeals in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, resulting in more than 180 published opinions, and was president of the Bar Association of the Fifth Federal Circuit. Powell’s briefs have long been used as samples for practitioners.

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