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"Atlas Shrugged Part 1" coming to DVD and Blu-Ray

"Atlas Shrugged Part 1" coming to DVD and Blu-Ray

2 Mins
July 5, 2011

The producers of Atlas Shrugged Part 1 announced today the signing of a contract for the release of the film on TV and disk:


Atlas Productions signs DVD deal with 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

(Santa Monica, CA) – July 5, 2011 – Atlas Productions, LLC announced today it has signed a distribution deal with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment for the release of ATLAS SHRUGGED: PART 1 on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital Download and Video on Demand.

ATLAS SHRUGGED: PART 1 is set in a dystopian United States where leading innovators, from industrialists to artists, mysteriously disappear at an alarming rate resulting in "stopping the motor of the world."

“For years, people inspired and influenced by Atlas Shrugged have been clamoring for a film adaptation. We’re extremely excited to finally release the first part of the trilogy to the home entertainment market and we now look forward to getting into the production of Part 2.” stated Producer Harmon Kaslow.

Ayn Rand’s 1,100 page novel is being produced by Atlas Productions as a trilogy following the three part structure outlined in the bestselling book.  Part 1 was released theatrically on April 15, 2011 and Part 2 is expected to follow in 2012.

About Atlas Productions, LLC
Atlas Productions, LLC. was formed by John Aglialoro as a motion picture studio to produce and distribute films including those based on Ayn Rand’s epic novel, Atlas Shrugged. For more information, visit http://www.AtlasShruggedPart1.com .

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