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Aphorisms and Philosophy

Aphorisms and Philosophy

2 Mins
September 30, 2014

Atlas Summit 2014 -- Aphorisms are philosophical statements with a punch: they deliver a statement about life, often in amusing or easy-to-remember terms. They have a long history, starting with the ancient Greeks, and are still used now.

In this talk, Jay Friedenberg defines aphorisms and contrasts them with other short literary forms, providing examples from around the world. He reads examples of his own aphorisms on Objectivist topics and contrasts aphorisms and fully constructed philosophies.

Jay Friedenberg is Chair and Professor of the Psychology Department at Manhattan College. He has written numerous textbooks on topics in cognitive science. He is the author of Aphorisms From A to Z: A User’s Guide to Life .

About the author:
Geschichte der Philosophie