The brutality of the Hamas attack on Israel reminds us that the morality behind the Holocaust still infects our world.

The brutality of the Hamas attack on Israel reminds us that the morality behind the Holocaust still infects our world.
I was born under the flag of the People’s Republic of China, a country that remains under the absolute rule of the Chinese Communist Party to this day. I have very few memories of my early childhood in mainland China, save for a visit to the Forbidden City—a brief tourist stop when my family traveled to the American consulate in Beijing to apply for a visa.
A Netflix show based on the life of Madam C. J. Walker is much better than most of our hairstyles right now.It’s day who actually knows of coronavirus quarantine, and my housemates and I are making our plans for once this is all over.
What would the Christmas holiday season be like without Frank Capra’s 1946 classic, It’s a Wonderful Life? For millions around the world...
Friends and members of The Atlas Society are a major source of knowledge and wisdom. Social Psychologist Joe Duarte, Ph.D. recently spoke
Anyone who’s seen the John Hughes movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off probably remembers the scene where Ferris’s economics teacher (Ben Stein)..
Myths, legends, and stories infiltrate our collective and individual consciousness, and the same holds true for the visual arts. The myth of Icarus, who flew too high then crashed and burned, was mentioned by Apollodorus around 150 BC and has since shown up countless times in visual art.
As written in the January 1st Poetic Justice Warrior Year in Review, Supremely independent, he was able to integrate his sense of the human
From the cave paintings of the Horses’ Heads to figurative art today, visual art is about perception and subject. We artists, and our anien
I think that one thing that Paterson’s writings give us is the opportunity to see what happens when power is concentrated by political mean
“Firing people was easily the worst part of the job.” Those are the words of a great friend of mine who for decades ran a very successful
“’The king died, and then the queen died,’ is a [chronicle] story, while ‘The king died, and then the queen died of grief,’ is a plot.”...
“The gallows doth wonderfully work to concentrate the mind,” observed Samuel Johnson. . . .
As Dreiser depicts them, Clyde Griffiths and Roberta Alden are not lovers so much as they are victims. Biology and society conspire against
Dreiser’s Hortense Briggs and Rand’s Rita Eksler are both femmes fatales, but whereas Dreiser seethes with resentment that such a girl exist
America didn’t win World War II solely on the backs of her men and women in uniform. Without the tireless efforts on the home front, there..
Decades ago at 2:30 a.m. on a back street in La Jolla, I was arrested driving my mom’s ’68 Firebird 400 convertible. I had our tiny mutts
What would you rather be remembered for: “Read my lips” or “Dodge my hands”? Breaking the tax pledge was once considered the low point...
For Ayn Rand, an argument was the distinctive human banner, the banner of reason and persuasion. Where brutes force, human beings argue, a