"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" said Samuel Johnson. Well, not always. But President Obama has placed himself squarely in

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" said Samuel Johnson. Well, not always. But President Obama has placed himself squarely in
Measurement often is the crucial step in understanding—and gaining control—of a complex phenomenon....
March 18, 2005 -- Last week Mukhtar Mai , a Pakistani woman, expressed concern that the four men who gang raped her nearly three years ago
"Ayn Rand defended individual freedom" is the newest in exasperated articles calling out mainstream journalists for their...
As the Apollo 11 lunar module “Eagle” approached the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969, the millions of people following the mission on
On April 30, The Atlas Society published audio of Rep. Paul Ryan speaking at a TAS event in 2005. In the audio he indicates tha
Today NASA's Curiosity Rover landed on Mars. Its advanced instruments should bring humanity closer to knowing whether life exists on the Re
Forget the gleaming stainless steel skyscrapers. Forget the latest recording equipment, overpaid executives, and auto-tuning. ..
The Leyden jar is variously called a condenser or capacitor, and the reasons for those two names become obvious when one understands the...
Electrical matter consists of extremely small particles. (True. Electrons are particles and are smaller than can be measured..
In 1940, The Saturday Evening Post carried a short story by Paul Gallico (1897-1976), who had begun his career as a sports reporter but who
January 2000 -- This month's "Achievers" column begins to redeem the promise made on the inside back cover of the December 1999 Navigator. T
Benjamin Franklin is the ideal person to lead off The Atlas Society''s Year 250 celebration, for many reasons. First, Franklin was a man who
This month's "Achievers" column begins to redeem the promise made on the inside back cover of the December 1999 Navigator. There, under the
In January, 1962, in the very first issue of The Objectivist Newsletter, Ayn Rand wrote, “Objectivists are...
Winter 2011 issue -- The suggestion that a movement can be both radical and conservative may sound contradictory. To be radical is to...
Under pointed questioning by Henry Waxman, the committee chairman, Greenspan issued a mea-culpa that resounded around the world.
Fall 2009 issue -- I am an advocate of Objectivism, but I never met Ayn Rand. I regret that, as by all accounts she was fascinating and.....
What marks a genius? If it is misanthropy, then Johann Sebastian Bach (born March 21, 1685) was not a genius. He did his greatest work in
December 2000 -- Let me be clear from the first: Justin Martin’s biography of Alan Greenspan is a fun read. Written in a vigorous, journalis