In The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature, published in 1971, Ayn Rand articulated a simple framework for classifying art.

In The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature, published in 1971, Ayn Rand articulated a simple framework for classifying art.
My first night as an Airbnb host was a near disaster.I thought I was prepared. Glamour shots of the house – check. Coffee maker – check...
What I call the “Not Our President Elite” (NOPE) believes that a frighteningly ignorant, bigoted, and distinctly inferior America—not the...
At this time I was working summers to pay for my art education, and I had painted a large still life, and I still remember how proud I was
Fall 2011 issue -- A kick-ass half is better than a half-assed whole, quip the founders of 37Signals in their book Rework. They were referri
Quick quiz: If you jack up the price of something, do you think people will buy more or less of it? Apparently, the obvious answer “Less!”..
I run American for Tax Reform, the group that shares the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with all candidates. We ask them to commit in writing
Many “sharing economy” firms are in trouble! Venture capitalists have lost millions! It’s the beauty of capitalism, improving our lives...
The popular Disney kid-flick Zootopia does something unusual for Hollywood: it takes a swipe at government...
The biggest moment of her life was about to arrive, and Katie Torpey didn’t even care. It was a Saturday night in Los Angeles, and Katie
SpaceX, the rocketry startup founded by Elon Musk, succeeded on December 21, 2015 in bringing the first stage of its Falcon 9 rocket back
Robots are special types of machines. They’re programmed electro-mechanical devices that perform various physical functions, ideally better
America was founded on the idea of liberty, and it succeeded because Americans highly valued individualism and achievement. But when
Atlas Summit 2015 - Four fiction writers who write in the Romanticist tradition form a discussion panel to narrate their personal writing
Atlas Summit 2015 -- In the decade and a half since the publication of What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand, Louis Torres and Michel
Ms. Rowling, your Cinderella story is legendary. As the article summarizes it: “Her life now is, naturally, very different from the hand-...
July 20 is the anniversary of one of humanity’s greatest accomplishments, the first lunar landing...
Within days of having re-published Alvin Toffler's historic interview with Ayn Rand, Playboy upped the pleasure factor with this impish take
We're pleased to announce that we have published a second edition of The Literary Art of Ayn Rand. The first edition of Literary Art grew
The Atlas Society is proud to be a Preferred Platinum sponsor at this year’s Freedom Fest! Freedom Fest is an annual festival in Las Vegas