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The Atlas Society at FreedomFest!

The Atlas Society at FreedomFest!

3 Mins
July 7, 2015

The Atlas Society is proud to be a Preferred Platinum sponsor at this year’s Freedom Fest!

Freedom Fest is an annual festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, called “the world’s largest gathering of free minds.” It features intellectuals, authors, activists, think tanks, politicians, goldbugs,investors, businesses, and myriad others, all interested in the cause of freedom. Some of this year’s headlining speakers are Glenn Beck, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Peter Thiel, and Steve Forbes. The program is rounded out with speeches, workshops, films, cocktail hours, and banquets, all elaborating on this year’s theme, “The New American Dream.”

Freedom Fest is an excellent opportunity for The Atlas Society to teach liberty-minded people about Ayn Rand’s intellectual contribution. It’s a valuable forum for The Atlas Society to meet allies, supporters, and students interested in learning more about Objectivism.

The Atlas Society’s staff will keep a table throughout Freedom Fest, offering information about Ayn Rand and the philosophy of Objectivism. The Atlas Society will also host three sessions, with presentations by staff and panel discussions with interesting guests.

It’s not too late to attend! Freedom Fest is July 8-11 at the Planet Hollywood hotel in Las Vegas. Registration information is here.

We hope Freedom Fest attendees will stop by and chat with The Atlas Society at Booth 424. Download the Freedom Fest mobile app and make sure to highlight The Atlas Society’s sessions. And please follow The Atlas Society on Facebook and Twitter for updates on Freedom Fest throughout the week, using tags #FreedomFest and #NewAmericanDream.


freedomfest atlas society 2015

Wednesday, July 8 • 2:00pm - 2:50pm • Wilshire Room
The Dream of Entrepreneurial Individualism
with David Kelley, Aaron Day, and Matt Nye

Friday, July 10 • 8:00am - 8:25a • Celebrity Ballroom
Atlas Society Debate: The Renewed American Dream of Pursuing Human Achievement
with Edward Hudgins and Lee Edwards of the Heritage Foundation

Friday, July 10 • 2:30pm - 3:20pm • Celebrity 5
Atlas Society Panel: The Dream of Future Minds in an Education Revolution
with Charles Murray, Michael Shermer, and David Harriman

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