A Bloomberg Markets piece on “Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality” documents how the billions of dollars Maris invests each year.

A Bloomberg Markets piece on “Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality” documents how the billions of dollars Maris invests each year.
At our 1999 Summer Seminar David Kelley offered this inspiration analysis of the longstanding Objectivist theoretical debate over whether
At our 1999 Summer Seminar David Kelley (at left) offered this inspiration analysis of the longstanding Objectivist theoretical debate over
Atlas Summit 2014 -- He was, arguably, the most inspirational success story of the business era immediately preceding the New Deal. He was
Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, recently spoke at the “ Rebooting Congress, Causes and Campaigns 2014 ” conference in Silicon Valley...
After eleven years of farming near Hutchinson, Minnesota, Kathy Prellwitz and her husband decided to invest in the community in which they
To no one’s surprise Anthony Weiner lost in the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. But just before his defeat he was a guest on
On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made those historic first footprints on the Moon. But the ensuing decades have been
Yesterday, I wrote a blog concerning the frustrations that we all face with the IRS and other bureaucracies. Today, my friend Steve Davis..
At Farragut Park and other locations in Washington, D.C., food vendors have their trucks parked as usual at lunch time today but they are..
Photographer Daniella Zalcman spends a day with the street musicians and vendors of New York City. They might not be wearing suits or...
Do you want the freedom to practice your profession without permission? Some cosmetologists in Indiana and Missouri don’t—and they’re...
In this talk, delivered at the 2012 Atlas Summit, Professor Stephen Hicks presents an Objectivist perspective on entrepreneurship and
We’ve all been warned about the dangers ill-advised Facebook posts can pose to our reputations. But Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is now learni
The venerable Hostess Brands company, maker of Twinkies, Ho-Hos, Wonder Bread, and other baked delights, is shutting its doors, bankrupt...
As the Apollo 11 lunar module “Eagle” approached the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969, the millions of people following the mission on
Too many Americans are losing the ability to take care of themselves and are instead looking to the government to run their lives for them..
Forget the gleaming stainless steel skyscrapers. Forget the latest recording equipment, overpaid executives, and auto-tuning. ..
The Christmas catalogs start arriving in September, a trickle that becomes a flood by Thanksgiving. They pile up in colorful drifts until it
When he graduated from college, Dennis Byrd did the unexpected: he negotiated a deal to take over a failing beachfront restaurant. Byrd was