Let’s hear it for Paul Krugman! He got Ayn Rand’s views right for once.

Let’s hear it for Paul Krugman! He got Ayn Rand’s views right for once.
The case for a free society is strong but many remain unconvinced. Why? In this lecture Stephen Hicks presents three of the strongest
If you read about China in the American press, you may read of bad air, or over-building, or ill-treatment of activists, or the Spratly
capitalism karl marx ayn rand objectivism enemies of capitalism carrie-anne biondi john galt atlas shruggedAtlas Summit 2014 -- Part of
Bitcoin is a digital money sweeping the world and offering some degree of freedom from government currencies. It imitates the scarcity of...
The New York Times headline leapt off the front page: “Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case.” According to a leak, the
The Cato Institute has launched a new website, HumanProgress.org , which quantifies the good news that, overall, things are getting better..
With their pursuit of investor Steven A. Cohen, federal prosecutors in New York have brought the government’s use of cooperating witnesses
In a new article, “Reconsidering Gabriel Kolko: A Half-Century Perspective ,” Robert Bradley, Jr. and Roger Donway explain why libertarians
Legendary Wall Street trader Victor Sperandeo presents a compelling, data-driven case that the current U.S. and international monetary
Atlas Summit 2013 -- What makes free-market capitalism good? Stephen Hicks contends that the arguments in favor of free-market capitalism...
In a recent column, Paul Krugman weighed in for the nth time against free-market-oriented Republicans Rand Paul and Paul Ryan
It's hard for an Objectivist not to be fan of Elon Musk...
If I’m revolutionizing your whole industry right out of business, do you have to cooperate? If cooperating means letting me sell your...
Scott Zaremba has been trying to use gasoline as one ingredient in an ethanol product that competes with gasoline. Ethanol lobbyists say....
Atlas Sumit 2012 -- 2012 is the centenary of the birth of one of the greatest modern defenders of the free society, Milton Friedman...
With the failure of the Bush/Obama stimulus and scandals with “green jobs” (Solyndra, etc.), crony capitalism has been on the hot seat. Big
Americans like to believe. When they hear of some businessman denounced by the media and indicted by a U.S. Attorney, they are likely to say
"To deal effectively with our problems we must understand, accept, and apply one fundamental, indispensable proposition:… that we’re all in
U.S. House of Representatives, August 8, 2008 -- I am Dr. Edward Hudgins, executive director of The Atlas Society, here in Washington, D.C.