

Justice and Benevolence

Justice is an essential virtue in the Objectivist ethics. This Atlas Summit session, filmed this summer, covers the nature and importance of

Jul 30, 2015
Dr. David Kelley
2 Mins
"The Evidence of the Senses" republished

We're very pleased to announce that David Kelley's ground-breaking treatise on epistemology, The Evidence of the Senses: A Realist Theory

Jun 10, 2015
2 Mins
Secular Sharia Law in Indiana

Americans cannot tell the difference between ethics and politics. The Indiana religious freedom law—now being amended, it appears—has expos

Apr 1, 2015
3 Mins
Objective Reality - An Atlas University Conversation

May 13, 2014 -- Why do many philosophers deny the existence of objective reality? In this conversation David Kelley and William R Thomas dis

Mar 24, 2015
Dr. David Kelley
2 Mins
Postmodernism in the classroom

Postmodernism became the leading intellectual movement in the late twentieth century. It has replaced modernism, the philosophy of the

Mar 23, 2015
A Sociedade Atlas
3 Mins
The Intrinsic, the Subjective, and the Objective (Part 2)

At our 2001 Summer Seminar Dr. David Ross offered this engaging overview of one of Ayn Rand 's most important contributions to philosophy...

Mar 11, 2015
David Ross
2 Mins
The Intrinsic, the Subjective, and the Objective (Part 1)

At our 2001 Summer Seminar Dr. David Ross offered this engaging overview of one of Ayn Rand's most important contributions to philosophy....

Mar 11, 2015
David Ross
2 Mins
Lecture 1: The Role of Philosophy | The Basic Principles of Objectivism

The historical role of reason—The bankruptcy of today's culture—Objectivism—Objectivism vs. subjectivism....

Mar 11, 2015
Nathaniel Branden
2 Mins
The Nature of Free Will

Free will is a fundamental question in philosophy because it is the foundation of ethics. If man has no free choice in his actions then he

Mar 8, 2015
Dr. David Kelley
2 Mins
The Epistemology of Perception

Perception is the foundation of knowledge and the source of everything we know. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the...

Jan 30, 2015
Dr. David Kelley
2 Mins
2014 Atlas Summit videos

Celebrate the revolutionary and inventive spirit represented by John Galt. Keynote speakers: James O'Keefe III, Ladar Levison, and David....

Jan 19, 2015
7 Mins
Objectivism and the Psychology of Self-Esteem - Nathaniel Branden

At our organization’s 1996 Summer Seminar, in Boulder, Colorado, Nathaniel Branden made the first of many appearances at our events. This...

Dec 5, 2014
Nathaniel Branden
Objectivism: Why isn't it more popular?

Objectivism is true, and it does make sense. Because of this is it is easy to understand and to live by. But it also stands against many of

Nov 25, 2014
4 Mins
The Objectivist Movement Today

The Objectivist movement has helped many people apply Objectivist principles to their personal lives; it has contributed to the broad-based

Oct 30, 2014
2 Mins
Introductory course on Objectivism

Ayn Rand’s philosophical insights offer you freedom—not just political freedom someday, but spiritual freed...

Oct 14, 2014
Alexander R. Cohen
4 Mins
Three Enemies of Capitalism (Part 1)

capitalism karl marx ayn rand objectivism enemies of capitalism carrie-anne biondi john galt atlas shruggedAtlas Summit 2014 -- Part of

Oct 13, 2014
2 Mins
Aphorisms and Philosophy

Atlas Summit 2014 -- Aphorisms are philosophical statements with a punch: they deliver a statement about life, often in amusing or easy-to-r

Sep 30, 2014
2 Mins
Atlas Shrugged: Now Non-Fiction

Atlas Shrugged Part III, the concluding installment of the film trilogy of Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel, is now in theaters. Its producers are on

Sep 12, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
The Moral and Cultural Significance of "Genie, you're free"

“Genie, you’re free.” In Disney’s Aladdin, those are the words in which the Genie learns that after thousands of years of being forced to...

Aug 13, 2014
Alexander R. Cohen
3 Mins
Ayn Rand on the difference between Objectivism and Nietzsche's Philosophy

Ayn Rand answers questions from students about the difference between Objectivism and Nietzscheism.

Jul 25, 2014
2 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.