Vida pessoal

Vida pessoal

RIP, Donald Heath

We note in sorrow that Donald Heath died Friday, March 25, of a heart attack. He was 56.Don worked for our organization as our first

Mar 28, 2016
Dr. David Kelley
5 Mins
Can Your Dog Teach You About Love?

March 23 is National Puppy Day! While Ayn Rand was famously a cat person, her protégé Nathaniel Branden wrote charming

Mar 23, 2016
3 Mins
Date the Atlas, Not the Shrug

Ayn Rand ruined my date last night, and here's why that's a good thing.

Mar 17, 2016
Jennifer A. Grossman
4 Mins
Living an Extraordinary Life | A profile of Lauren Zander

The biggest moment of her life was about to arrive, and Katie Torpey didn’t even care. It was a Saturday night in Los Angeles, and Katie

Feb 11, 2016
Sarah Perry
8 Mins
An Open Letter to J.K. Rowling

Ms. Rowling, your Cinderella story is legendary. As the article summarizes it: “Her life now is, naturally, very different from the hand-...

Jul 31, 2015
Robert James Bidinotto
4 Mins
Google, Entrepreneurs, and Living 500 Years

A Bloomberg Markets piece on “Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality” documents how the billions of dollars Maris invests each year.

Mar 12, 2015
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Self-Esteem is not Comparative

Headlines this week have blared “How Parents Create Narcissist Children” and “Do Parents Nurture Narcissists By Pouring On The Praise?” They

Mar 11, 2015
4 Mins
Choosing Life (Part 2)

At our 1999 Summer Seminar David Kelley offered this inspiration analysis of the longstanding Objectivist theoretical debate over whether

Mar 8, 2015
Dr. David Kelley
Choosing Life (Part 1)

At our 1999 Summer Seminar David Kelley (at left) offered this inspiration analysis of the longstanding Objectivist theoretical debate over

Mar 8, 2015
Dr. David Kelley
Marsha Enright and the Great Connections Seminars

Colleges do a pretty good job of teaching calculus and the Krebs Cycle. They know how to test what you’ve learned. They grant diplomas

Mar 4, 2015
4 Mins
Inner Life | Allan Blumenthal

This December 14, 1991 talk by psychiatrist and concert pianist Allan Blumenthal shows how the heightened awareness of inner experience

Dec 8, 2014
Allan Blumenthal e Joan Mitchell Blumenthal
1 Min
Transhumanism vs. a Conservative Death Ethos

Zoltan Istvan, author of the"License provocative novel The Transhumanist Wager (I’ll review it soon), recently suggested in Wired that...

Aug 20, 2014
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Suicide and Reasons to Live

The death of entertainer Robin Williams has again brought to public discussion the serious matter of suicide.Robin Williams hope for those

Aug 15, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Objectivism is Not Anti-Family

Salon.com hates Ayn Rand and Objectivism. The latest evidence is a gratuitous jab, tarring AWriter Sean McElweeyn Rand a conservative and..

Aug 13, 2014
3 Mins
The Moral and Cultural Significance of "Genie, you're free"

“Genie, you’re free.” In Disney’s Aladdin, those are the words in which the Genie learns that after thousands of years of being forced to...

Aug 13, 2014
Alexander R. Cohen
3 Mins
Rand Paul Revolution in Silicon Valley

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, recently spoke at the “ Rebooting Congress, Causes and Campaigns 2014 ” conference in Silicon Valley...

Jul 25, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
First stop: The Bakery. Second stop: Galt's Gulch

After eleven years of farming near Hutchinson, Minnesota, Kathy Prellwitz and her husband decided to invest in the community in which they

May 28, 2014
2 Mins
A 2014 New Year's Wish

A new year is usually a time when we recommit ourselves to making a difference in our own lives, when we reflect on our past achievements...

Dec 31, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Happy Holidays and the Synergy of the Season

As we approach the end of the year, I hope all of you are in a holiday mood. I certainly am!

Dec 23, 2013
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
Weiner's Insatiable Lust: For Power

To no one’s surprise Anthony Weiner lost in the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. But just before his defeat he was a guest on

Sep 12, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.