Aïn Rand

Aïn Rand

Ayn Rand and Altruism, Part 3

In the foreword to The Moral Basis of Individualism—a book that Ayn Rand began writing for Bobbs-Merrill in 1943 but never finished—we find

Dec 14, 2018
George H. Smith
6 Mins
Her Better Judgment: Ayn Rand, Theodore Dreiser, and the Shape of the American Novel, Part 4

As Dreiser depicts them, Clyde Griffiths and Roberta Alden are not lovers so much as they are victims. Biology and society conspire against

May 14, 2018
Marilyn Moore
10 Mins
Her Better Judgment: Ayn Rand, Theodore Dreiser, and the Shape of the American Novel, Part 3

Dreiser’s Hortense Briggs and Rand’s Rita Eksler are both femmes fatales, but whereas Dreiser seethes with resentment that such a girl exist

May 7, 2018
Marilyn Moore
5 Mins
Would Ayn Rand Airbnb? Why a Superhost is a Selfish Host

My first night as an Airbnb host was a near disaster.I thought I was prepared. Glamour shots of the house – check. Coffee maker – check...

May 6, 2017
Jennifer A. Grossman
5 Mins
The Fountainhead: Ayn Rand’s Ode to Entrepreneurship

“There are some rules I’m perfectly willing to obey,” explains Howard Roark, the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s 1943 best seller, The Fountainhe

Apr 5, 2017
Éric Bryant
5 Mins
Ayn Rand in 2017: Will Businessmen Learn Her Lessons About Politicians

She called businessmen "America's persecuted minority." And today—as has been the case at least since the start of the Industrial ...

Jan 19, 2017
Fred Smith
10 Mins
"Why I Named My Baby Dagny."


May 16, 2016
Edouard Hudgins
4 Mins
On The Fountainhead’s Anniversary, Reflect on Creators

Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead was published 73 years ago, May 7, 1943. It became a best-seller, and then a classic of 20th century

May 5, 2016
2 Mins
"Selling" Ayn Rand's Ideas

Atlas Summit 2015 -- In the decade and a half since the publication of What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand, Louis Torres and Michel

Aug 3, 2015
Michelle Marder Kamhi
2 Mins
Peter Diamandis is The Atlas Society 2020 Honoree!

Peter Diamandis has agreed to be the recipient of our Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's fall gala on October 14th, 2020, in Los Angeles –– and equally exciting, last year’s recipient, Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson, will personally be the one to present it.

May 5, 2015
Jennifer A. Grossman
3 Mins
New to Ayn Rand?

Ayn Rand is America’s most controversial individualist. She was a bold woman who produced brilliant works fusing fiction and philosophy.

Feb 26, 2015
2 Mins
Leftist Delusions, Honduras and Alleged Freedom Failures

LaSusa tells us that stating with a military coup in 2009 Honduras has had a succession of governments that have sought the “privatization

Feb 6, 2015
Edouard Hudgins
6 Mins
Nathaniel Branden Remembered

I first met Nathaniel Branden, who passed away this morning, in fall 1983. I had successfully passed my Ph.D. oral defense of dissertation..

Dec 4, 2014
Edouard Hudgins
3 Mins
Nathaniel Branden, RIP

At our organization’s 1996 Summer Seminar, in Boulder, Colorado, Branden made the first of many appearances at our events...

Dec 4, 2014
David Kelley, Ph.D.
3 Mins
Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was a woman Ayn Rand author of Atlas Shrugged of truly remarkable achievement. She was a phenomenally successful novelist whose

Nov 10, 2014
Bradley Doucet
5 Mins
Ayn Rand is Bad Taste

That’s the one thing the New York literary world can agree on, it seems.In the New York Times Book Review on Sunday, November 2, two...

Nov 2, 2014
William Thomas
2 Mins
The Objectivist Movement Today

The Objectivist movement has helped many people apply Objectivist principles to their personal lives; it has contributed to the broad-based

Oct 30, 2014
2 Mins
The Path to John Galt

Atlas Summit 2014 -- In Atlas Shrugged John Galt is a mysterious presence that seems to be destroying the world. But, in fact, Galt is

Oct 21, 2014
Edouard Hudgins
2 Mins
Ayn Rand, the Movies, and the Idea of America

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has recently released a little-known monograph by Ayn Rand called "Textbook of Americanism." The

Oct 2, 2014
Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand in the New York Times

No, I wasn’t distancing. I adored her novels when I was young, and in many ways they gave me an interest in economics.

Sep 15, 2014
3 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.