The COVID-19 pandemic can be used to illustrate two problems that are both more destructive than the virus. The problems relate to how

The COVID-19 pandemic can be used to illustrate two problems that are both more destructive than the virus. The problems relate to how
As the health and economic effects of Covid-19 intensify, we asked philosopher and The Atlas Society Founder David Kelley, Ph.D. to outline
My name is Coronavirus. I was born among bats in the caves of Communist China.
At a time when a highly infectious biological virus, the coronavirus, is spreading – as is an equally infectious psychological virus, panic – I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out with a message on what we at The Atlas Society are doing to respond to both.
The USA was in decline for the last decade, falling to 16th in 2015, but is now catching up to the world leaders. Canada’s Fraser Institute
There are some plagues that mankind seems to be incapable of fully destroying. One of these plagues is slavery, which has existed since man
There has been considerable debate on the science of climate change and global warming on both ends of the spectrum from “deniers” to “alarm
Energy is central to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand also chronicled how the 1970s energy crisis was at root philosophical: altruism-collectivism
Many “sharing economy” firms are in trouble! Venture capitalists have lost millions! It’s the beauty of capitalism, improving our lives...
Easily, my proudest achievement in 2015 so far is The Atlas Society's success at the International Students For Liberty Conference (ISFLC)
Legendary Wall Street trader Victor Sperandeo presents a compelling, data-driven case that the current U.S. and international monetary
In 2004, Ladar Levison founded a business to produce a product he believed in: private email . He encrypted messages before storing them..
You lost control of the Senate and House for the first time in twelve years and of governorships across the country. President George....
March 26, 2009 -- The Drug War has been in the news again this week. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton headed off to Mexico on Wednesday...
December 2007 -- Last summer’s federal criminal charges against professional football player Michael Vick for running an illegal dogfighting
November 2001 -- The Assault on Civilization , posted October 12, 2001. Published in the November 2001 Navigator . The position of The
March 2002 -- The sudden bankruptcy of Enron Corporation is a scandal that has rocked support for the free market. Living in a division-of..
Many Americans understandably are concerned about the Bush administration's proposed Terrorist Information Prevention System, a program to
April 18, 2005 -- On April 13, the House of Representatives voted to permanently repeal the Estate Tax. More accurately described as the
October 16, 2001 -- As Congress prepares to pass a new security bill and America faces a terrible and insidious threat, there is no more